
Episode 1x19 - "Best Man for the Gob"

Director: Lee Shallat Chemel

S1E19: 2875

Now the story of a wealthy family who lost everything...

00:01 - 00:04

S1E19: 5708

and the one son who had no choice...

00:04 - 00:06

S1E19: 7625

but to keep them all together.

00:06 - 00:08

S1E19: 19291

Michael was meeting...

00:18 - 00:20

S1E19: 21458

with the company's accountant, Ira Gilligan.

00:20 - 00:22

S1E19: 23916

Anyway, I have gone over this 10 different ways...

00:22 - 00:24

S1E19: 26333

and you're reporting income on an account that... You know, it is just freezing in here.

00:24 - 00:28

S1E19: 31583

While it's freezing in here, it's still hot in there. So please continue.

00:30 - 00:33

S1E19: 34791

There's basically no money where it should be. I think I'm catching a cold.

00:33 - 00:36

S1E19: 38208

- You're not catching a cold. - I know my body.

00:36 - 00:39

S1E19: 46041

- This is like the bayou in here. - I tried to tell you that.

00:43 - 00:46

S1E19: 50458

Anyway, this isn't the first discrepancy with your father's books.

00:49 - 00:53

S1E19: 54416

With this court case coming up, I just have to warn you...

00:53 - 00:55

S1E19: 56750

if they ask me to testify, I am not gonna lie.

00:55 - 00:57

S1E19: 59125

- No one's asking you to lie. - Whoa, whoa, whoa.

00:57 - 00:59

S1E19: 60791

You're asking Gilligan not to lie?

00:59 - 01:01

S1E19: 63125

Please call me Ira. I don't like Gilligan.

01:01 - 01:04

S1E19: 65625

Who doesn't like Gilligan?

01:04 - 01:06

S1E19: 67916

Is it cold in here?

01:06 - 01:09

S1E19: 70041

So, listen. You have been married two weeks now. It seems to be sticking.

01:09 - 01:11

S1E19: 72833

And let's pretend it's a good thing.

01:12 - 01:13

S1E19: 75083

I guess this makes me your best man...

01:13 - 01:16

S1E19: 78000

and I would like to throw you a bachelor party.

01:16 - 01:19

S1E19: 81125

Yeah, I don't think she'd go for that.

01:20 - 01:22

S1E19: 84000

Besides, I talked to Dad. He said it was stupid to get married in the first place.

01:22 - 01:25

S1E19: 87666

And he's right. He's right. I've gotta get rid of her.

01:25 - 01:29

S1E19: 90916

You know, l... I said two weeks ago that I thought it was a stupid idea.

01:29 - 01:32

S1E19: 93500

Suddenly Dad says it and it's good advice?

01:32 - 01:34

S1E19: 96500

You know you don't have to do everything Dad says.

01:34 - 01:36

S1E19: 98833

I don't do everything Dad says. He just happens to be right about this.

01:36 - 01:39

S1E19: 100875

You can help me get rid ofher though.

01:39 - 01:41

S1E19: 103541

Mom's having a cocktail party. She'll be there. Maybe you can try to break us up.

01:41 - 01:44

S1E19: 105708

- I can't do that. - Why not? You did it with me and Marta.

01:44 - 01:46

S1E19: 108625

You had no problem with that, guy. You know what? Lie to her.

01:47 - 01:49

S1E19: 110333

Tell her that I'm insensitive and unreliable.

01:49 - 01:52

S1E19: 116291

Something about how you can never confront people. You need someone to clean up your messes.

01:52 - 01:56

S1E19: 117666

See, that's great. And that's just off the top of your head.

01:56 - 01:58

S1E19: 120083

Michael, Gob. I was just in the neighborhood.

01:58 - 02:01

S1E19: 122666

Good Lord. It is sweltering in here.

02:01 - 02:04

S1E19: 127500

As you may or may not know...

02:05 - 02:07

S1E19: 129208

Lindsay and I have hit a bit of a rough patch.

02:07 - 02:10

S1E19: 130875

- Really? When did that start? - Well...

02:10 - 02:13

S1E19: 133583

I don't want to blame it all on 9/11...

02:13 - 02:16

S1E19: 137166

but it certainly didn't help.

02:16 - 02:17

S1E19: 138958

But anyway, I need your help. If you could possibly...

02:18 - 02:20

S1E19: 141250

Could we go back to your office, please?

02:20 - 02:22

S1E19: 144000

I just want to be a family again.

02:22 - 02:25

S1E19: 147333

I guess what I'm saying is I want to reunite the band.

02:25 - 02:29

S1E19: 150833

- Oh, no. - "Oh, no"was right.

02:29 - 02:32

S1E19: 154208

In the mid '90s, Tobias formed a folk music group with Lindsay and Maeby...

02:32 - 02:36

S1E19: 158541

called Dr. Fünke's 100% Natural Good-Time Family-Band Solution.

02:36 - 02:40

S1E19: 161791

The group was underwritten by the Natural Life Food Company...

02:40 - 02:44

S1E19: 171916

Their motto was simple. "We keep you alive."

02:48 - 02:52

S1E19: 176833

Zanotab may cause dry mouth, hair loss...

02:55 - 02:57

S1E19: 179875

an overly alert feeling, and in some cases may diminish your sex drive.

02:57 - 03:01

S1E19: 184708

Well, there's a wellness convention in town...

03:03 - 03:05

S1E19: 186833

and I thought maybe you could talk Lindsay into joining me up onstage.

03:05 - 03:08

S1E19: 190500

- Yeah. Why don't you ask her? - Oh, I would, but she just doesn't take me seriously.

03:08 - 03:12

S1E19: 196083

Michael tried to find the money the accountant said was missing.

03:14 - 03:17

S1E19: 198791

I don't know. I probably stole it.

03:17 - 03:19

S1E19: 201958

I mean, if he says it's missing, it is.

03:20 - 03:22

S1E19: 203833

Unless he stole it. Hey, maybe he stole it.

03:22 - 03:25

S1E19: 206791

- He's the one that said it's missing. - Yeah, I probably stole it.

03:25 - 03:28

S1E19: 210291

Well, we need to find it before Ira is asked to testify.

03:28 - 03:31

S1E19: 212041

- I thought we were talking about Gilligan. Who's Ira? - Ira Gilligan.

03:31 - 03:33

S1E19: 214333

Ira's his first name. He actually hates to be called Gilligan.

03:33 - 03:35

S1E19: 217333

Well, he never told me that.

03:35 - 03:38

S1E19: 220291

Gilligan has promised me that all this money will be saved in I.R.A.s.

03:38 - 03:41

S1E19: 223083

- It's Ira, sir. - Oh, I'm sorry, Gilligan.

03:41 - 03:44

S1E19: 226291

Will be saved in "Iras."

03:44 - 03:47

S1E19: 228875

- What the hell is this, Gilligan? - It's Ira, sir.

03:47 - 03:49

S1E19: 231125

- Please call me... - Gilligan!

03:50 - 03:52

S1E19: 233166

Michael, if he testifies, I am screwed.

03:52 - 03:54

S1E19: 236750

Here's what you do. You take him out for some fishing or something.

03:54 - 03:58

S1E19: 239833

- Why would I take him fishing? - Fun. Guy fun.

03:58 - 04:00

S1E19: 242458

- Let's get him on our side. - No. Look. I'm not taking him fishing.

04:00 - 04:03

S1E19: 244541

Oh, that's right. You hated fishing.

04:03 - 04:05

S1E19: 246458

- No, I didn't. - No, I'll get Gob. Yeah. He liked it.

04:05 - 04:07

S1E19: 249041

- Hang on a second. - He's the one who's fun.

04:07 - 04:09

S1E19: 251291

I liked fishing. Where are you going? I'm fun.

04:10 - 04:12

S1E19: 253875

It's just that... Listen.

04:12 - 04:14

S1E19: 256500

The way to fix this Ira thing is not to buy him off. All right?

04:15 - 04:17

S1E19: 259833

- It's to find out where the money went. - You're no fun.

04:18 - 04:21

S1E19: 262791

Yeah. I'm plenty fun.

04:21 - 04:23

S1E19: 267333

That night the family gathered at Lucille's...

04:26 - 04:28

S1E19: 269541

to welcome Gob's wife.

04:28 - 04:30

S1E19: 272333

I have always wanted a daughter.

04:30 - 04:33

S1E19: 275083

And a blonde. What fun.

04:34 - 04:36

S1E19: 277750

- Where did Annyong get thatjuice box? - Annyong.

04:36 - 04:39

S1E19: 281208

Those are for his soccer team. No sugar for you. You just get more awful.

04:39 - 04:42

S1E19: 287000

Hey, Adopted Brother.

04:45 - 04:48

S1E19: 289250

Do you think I could have a hit of that juice box? That...

04:48 - 04:50

S1E19: 300291

Michael tried to convince Lindsay to rejoin...

04:59 - 05:01

S1E19: 303541

Dr. Fünke's 100% Natural Good-Time Family-Band Solution.

05:01 - 05:05

S1E19: 307916

Dr. Fünke's 100% Natural Good-Time Family-Band Solution was a nightmare for me.

05:05 - 05:10

S1E19: 312125

Hmm. Well, he said it was the most fun your family's ever had.

05:10 - 05:14

S1E19: 315583

Yeah, well, I was wacked on Zanotab the entire time.

05:14 - 05:17

S1E19: 318250

I thought Zanotab was supposed to make everything a little bit better.

05:17 - 05:19

S1E19: 321458

For 15 minutes. Then it burns when you pee, and your marriage goes to hell.

05:19 - 05:23

S1E19: 325291

It is not a good supplement. Besides, Maeby's not gonna want to do it.

05:23 - 05:27

S1E19: 328500

I wanna do it! Are you kidding me?

05:27 - 05:29

S1E19: 331000

Those were our best times ever.

05:29 - 05:31

S1E19: 333708

This party just keeps gettin' better.

05:31 - 05:35

S1E19: 337291

So, uh... You know, if you want me on wood block, I can keep perfect time.

05:35 - 05:39

S1E19: 340250

Some call me the human metronome.

05:39 - 05:41

S1E19: 342833

You notice how I'm always on time? I'm never late for things.

05:41 - 05:44

S1E19: 345583

Yeah, but I think punctuality is slightly different from rhythm.

05:44 - 05:46

S1E19: 348916

No, it's not. It's the exact same thing. It's knowing how long things take.

05:47 - 05:50

S1E19: 353125

Look. I'm just doing this because if my parents split up, it's a lot more work for me.

05:50 - 05:55

S1E19: 356916

I know. They split up once in Boston.

05:55 - 05:58

S1E19: 363041

When they don't, guess who they start spending all their time with.

06:01 - 06:03

S1E19: 365250

- Me. - We've been talking here for 28 seconds. Just so you know.

06:03 - 06:07

S1E19: 371083

Excuse me. Dr. "Funky?"

06:10 - 06:12

S1E19: 374500

- Ah, Fünke. - Of Dr. Fünke's 100% Natural Good-Time Family-Band Solution?

06:12 - 06:16

S1E19: 378416

- Yes! - Oh, my... I saw you in '96.

06:16 - 06:19

S1E19: 381666

- Oh! - You sang a song about a supplement called Teamocil?

06:19 - 06:23

S1E19: 384458

- Teamocil. - I mean, you just nailed me!

06:23 - 06:25

S1E19: 387333

It was like you knew every side effect I was going through at that time.

06:25 - 06:28

S1E19: 396208

- Sadly, Teamocil has been discontinued. - Oh.

06:35 - 06:37

S1E19: 398708

The sense of wellness it created in relationships...

06:37 - 06:40

S1E19: 401833

was merely the first sign of complete pituitary shutdown.

06:40 - 06:43

S1E19: 404583

- Excuse me? Are you, uh... Hi. I'm Michael. - Hi.

06:43 - 06:45

S1E19: 407166

- I'm Gob's brother. - Yes. He told me all about you.

06:45 - 06:48

S1E19: 410250

- You have a terrific voice. - I smell olives!

06:48 - 06:51

S1E19: 412875

And Michael, as per Gob's request...

06:51 - 06:53

S1E19: 415541

tried to convince his wife that Gob was unreliable.

06:54 - 06:56

S1E19: 418250

So, Gob is late. But I guess that's who you married.

06:57 - 06:59

S1E19: 420666

He's probably out trying to do something very important.

06:59 - 07:02

S1E19: 424666

Are you hitting on me? Gob said that would happen.

07:02 - 07:06

S1E19: 432833

Hey, Gob. It's a good thing you're not staying married to this girl.

07:11 - 07:14

S1E19: 436375

You've got her hating me... at least your version of me, which is actually you.

07:14 - 07:18

S1E19: 441291

Well, I talked to Dad, and he thinks that I should stay in it.

07:18 - 07:24

S1E19: 446083

Stay in the marriage? You're not letting Dad lead you around by the nose again, are you?

07:24 - 07:27

S1E19: 450083

Think about it. I've got the marriage and none of the good parts.

07:28 - 07:32

S1E19: 453750

It's like, so far it's been all chain and no ball.

07:32 - 07:35

S1E19: 456625

- Sure. - So, we'll have a ceremony and a bachelor party.

07:35 - 07:37

S1E19: 459333

A bachelor party? You want one now? Come on.

07:37 - 07:40

S1E19: 462458

- You're not giving your best man a whole lot of prep time. - Dad can handle it.

07:40 - 07:44

S1E19: 466916

- Dad? - Yeah. You know.

07:45 - 07:48

S1E19: 469833

He's a fun guy, and...

07:48 - 07:50

S1E19: 472541

- I'm making him my best man. - You're making Dad your best man. That's great.

07:50 - 07:54

S1E19: 475375

I guess being your brother...

07:54 - 07:56

S1E19: 477666

and solving all your problems for you doesn't qualify me as your best man.

07:56 - 07:59

S1E19: 481125

Hey. If he wants to support me, I'm not gonna tell him to go to hell.

07:59 - 08:03

S1E19: 484916

- Don't worry. You're still... - What? Invited?

08:03 - 08:06

S1E19: 488333

No, I was gonna say you're still the guy I want solving my problems, but, yeah...

08:06 - 08:09

S1E19: 491541

Let me talk to Dad about that invite situation.

08:10 - 08:12

S1E19: 500791

The next day, Gob visited his father...

08:19 - 08:21

S1E19: 502875

to prepare for his bachelor party.

08:21 - 08:23

S1E19: 505000

You know, I really think that you're gonna like this woman.

08:23 - 08:26

S1E19: 507833

Well, she's costing me enough, but she's... oh, she's a hell of a stripper.

08:26 - 08:29

S1E19: 510458

- No, I mean my wife. - Oh.

08:29 - 08:31

S1E19: 512708

Well, l... I doubt that very much.

08:31 - 08:33

S1E19: 516750

Well, I can tell you that Michael was pretty upset that you wanted to be best man.

08:34 - 08:38

S1E19: 520833

- Don't worry about Michael. - Yeah, my bachelor party's about having fun, right?

08:38 - 08:43

S1E19: 525041

No, no. Your bachelor party's about convincing Gilligan that he's killed a stripper...

08:43 - 08:46

S1E19: 527916

getting him out of town so he can't testify...

08:46 - 08:48

S1E19: 530250

and making sure that people think that he took the money.

08:49 - 08:51

S1E19: 532375

- It is? - Yeah.

08:51 - 08:53

S1E19: 535291

This accountant can do us a lot of damage. I want him neutralized. Do you hear me?

08:53 - 08:57

S1E19: 539541

That's why I want you to use this stripper... a narcoleptic, believe it or not.

08:57 - 09:01

S1E19: 543791

A friend of mine at the yacht club, he used her for his bachelor party.

09:01 - 09:05

S1E19: 547708

We wanted you to have the first piece!

09:05 - 09:09

S1E19: 554916

You put her in a darkened space, she's out.

09:13 - 09:16

S1E19: 557500

You get him drunk. He passes out.

09:16 - 09:18

S1E19: 560458

Then you cover the floor with corn syrup, mixed with a little red dye.

09:18 - 09:22

S1E19: 564333

He comes to. "Eee! Blood! Aaah!" He freaks out.

09:22 - 09:26

S1E19: 567166

Okay. But how do you know that he's gonna leave the country?

09:26 - 09:28

S1E19: 569833

That's why I got you those honeymoon tickets. You never thanked me for those.

09:28 - 09:31

S1E19: 572666

I'm sorry. I meant to. I was gonna...

09:31 - 09:33

S1E19: 575083

You just have to convince him that this happened.

09:33 - 09:36

S1E19: 578083

- That he killed a stripper? - Can you do this?

09:36 - 09:39

S1E19: 580500

Can I trust you? You're not gonna go all Michael on me, are ya?

09:39 - 09:41

S1E19: 582416

Nobody's turning all Michael on you.

09:41 - 09:43

S1E19: 585083

But when you get out, then we're gonna have a real party. Right, Dad?

09:43 - 09:46

S1E19: 587750

Are you kidding? When I get out of here...

09:46 - 09:48

S1E19: 590041

you're gonna throw me the biggest party this town's ever seen.

09:48 - 09:51

S1E19: 592625

All right?

09:51 - 09:53

S1E19: 594625

Back at the model home...

09:53 - 09:55

S1E19: 599500

Stop! It is not Zanotab.

09:57 - 10:00

S1E19: 602291

Well, maybe if I was allowed to have a Zanotab, I'd remember it's Euphorazine.

10:00 - 10:03

S1E19: 605583

No. We are not going to do that again. This family is not about to start using.

10:03 - 10:07

S1E19: 608583

We are pushers, not takers.

10:07 - 10:09

S1E19: 611875

Okay. Once more, from the bridge.

10:09 - 10:13

S1E19: 618541

What is that noise?

10:17 - 10:19

S1E19: 621583

We don't need the wood block.

10:19 - 10:22

S1E19: 623666

No, I just thought I would join in on the fun.

10:22 - 10:25

S1E19: 626750

I mean, you guys are always talking about, you know, family and loving and...

10:25 - 10:28

S1E19: 629333

having good times in the circle...

10:28 - 10:30

S1E19: 631000

You know what? This isn't working.

10:30 - 10:32

S1E19: 633291

Maybe I'm just gonna go off and rehearse with Maeby alone.

10:32 - 10:34

S1E19: 635708

Oh, fine. Then I'll rehearse with Maeby after dinner.

10:34 - 10:36

S1E19: 640083

No! This is wholesome, family fun, okay?

10:38 - 10:41

S1E19: 642958

Let's take it from loose stool! One, two and a...

10:41 - 10:44

S1E19: 645458

What is that in your mouth? Is that a Euphorazine?

10:44 - 10:46

S1E19: 647458

Lindsay, spit it out! That's not real happiness!

10:46 - 10:48

S1E19: 649833

- Well, it's better than what we've got now. - Lindsay, spit it out!

10:48 - 10:51

S1E19: 652083

And Michael arrived home...

10:51 - 10:53

S1E19: 654500

determined to prove that he was, in fact, fun.

10:53 - 10:55

S1E19: 657041

I just booked us a little fishing trip.

10:56 - 10:58

S1E19: 659916

- But why? What did I do? - Hmm? No, no. This is a fun thing!

10:58 - 11:01

S1E19: 662666

Okay? Something I've always wanted to do with you.

11:01 - 11:03

S1E19: 665000

Everybody's always having fun around here. Why can't we?

11:03 - 11:06

S1E19: 668541

Already down! Get your finger out of my throat! It's down!

11:06 - 11:10

S1E19: 672583

- Anyway, I thought you hated fishing. - No, it's fun. I like fun.

11:10 - 11:14

S1E19: 676708

I just hated doing it with my dad. This is gonna be you and me. Okay?

11:14 - 11:19

S1E19: 681208

We get to stay at a hotel, get up at 4:00 a.m., slap on the old seasick patch.

11:19 - 11:23

S1E19: 685000

We're gonna get out there on the choppy ocean. We're gonna catch ourselves a little lunch.

11:23 - 11:26

S1E19: 688041

Oh, we get to eat it?

11:27 - 11:29

S1E19: 690833

After we gut it.

11:29 - 11:32

S1E19: 693166


11:32 - 11:33

S1E19: 695333

While the Bluth boys contemplated having fun...

11:34 - 11:36

S1E19: 698291

Lucille had a request for Gob's bachelor party.

11:36 - 11:39

S1E19: 701333

- Why do I have to bring him? - Because Buster's your brother...

11:39 - 11:42

S1E19: 705000

and I'm not gonna leave him home alone with all this J-U-l-C-E around.

11:42 - 11:47

S1E19: 708666

I can spell, Mom. You spelled "juice."

11:47 - 11:50

S1E19: 711416

Oh, you're so brilliant. Let's see you find it.

11:50 - 11:52

S1E19: 714625

Besides, I'm going to Annyong's soccer award ceremony...

11:52 - 11:56

S1E19: 717791


11:56 - 11:58

S1E19: 725166

And I don't need the other soccer moms knowing how old my first batch of kids are.

12:04 - 12:05

S1E19: 727083

And I don't need the other soccer moms knowing how old my first batch of kids are.

12:05 - 12:09

S1E19: 730166

- Yeah, I think they're gonna know that Annyong's... - Annyong.

12:09 - 12:11

S1E19: 733333

Would somebody please tell this insufferable child to...

12:11 - 12:14

S1E19: 735875


12:14 - 12:16

S1E19: 737791

And so, as Michael and his son...

12:16 - 12:18

S1E19: 739833

checked into the hotel, his brothers arrived.

12:18 - 12:20

S1E19: 742791

- What are you guys doing here? - Oh, we're having Gob's bachelor party.

12:20 - 12:24

S1E19: 746333

You're not going? Even Dad's coming... Via satellite.

12:24 - 12:27

S1E19: 749916

Uh, no. I'm gonna go fishing with my son here. We're gonna go have some fun.

12:28 - 12:31

S1E19: 754458

Real fun. Okay? Not everything is strippers and booze and buckets of blood.

12:31 - 12:36

S1E19: 758375

Why do you guys have buckets ofblood?

12:37 - 12:39

S1E19: 760833

It's not real blood. It's corn syrup and red dye.

12:39 - 12:41

S1E19: 763375

- Juice. - We have unlimited juice?

12:42 - 12:44

S1E19: 766875

This party is gonna be off the hook.

12:44 - 12:48

S1E19: 772791

Meanwhile, at the wellness convention in the very same hotel...

12:51 - 12:54

S1E19: 776625

Dr. Fünke's 100% Natural Good-Time Family-Band Solution...

12:54 - 12:58

S1E19: 779583

was preparing for their show.

12:58 - 13:00

S1E19: 781916

Here are the new Euphorazine side effects.

13:00 - 13:03

S1E19: 785375

Ah, the solo. That is for my lovely and talented daughter.

13:03 - 13:07

S1E19: 788666

"Delayed irritability?" What do they mean by delayed?

13:07 - 13:09

S1E19: 791583

It means it comes later! This is ridiculous! Why do we even have to do this?

13:09 - 13:13

S1E19: 794916

We are doing this to keep our family together.

13:13 - 13:16

S1E19: 798125

No, I'm serious. We're dressed like we're in the '60s.

13:16 - 13:19

S1E19: 801375

- It's the 21 st century. We should be dressing like it's the '80s. - Lindsay...

13:19 - 13:22

S1E19: 804583

I'm tired of trying to find happiness through lies and self-medicating.

13:23 - 13:26

S1E19: 807708

If you need me, I'll be at the bar.

13:26 - 13:29

S1E19: 810250

Well, fine, Lindsay. That's fine.

13:29 - 13:31

S1E19: 812958

- Maeby and I'll just do... - Yeah. I'm out too.

13:31 - 13:34

S1E19: 819875

You think you can handle it alone? 'Cause if you don't perform, we don't validate.

13:37 - 13:41

S1E19: 830250

the guys were settling down for the night...

13:48 - 13:50

S1E19: 831250

so as to be ready for their 4:00 a.m. wake-up call.

13:50 - 13:53

S1E19: 834833

It sure sounds like they're having fun out there by the pool.

13:53 - 13:56

S1E19: 838000

Oh, they think they're having fun, Son, but it's not lasting fun.

13:56 - 13:59

S1E19: 841500

It is fleeting fun, like a bachelor party.

13:59 - 14:03

S1E19: 849416

What we got here is lasting fun. Okay? You think about that.

14:05 - 14:10

S1E19: 851916

- Good night, Son. - Good night, Dad.

14:10 - 14:13

S1E19: 856583


14:16 - 14:18

S1E19: 859916

- Polo! - Marco!

14:18 - 14:21

S1E19: 865083

- Hey, Dad? - Polo!

14:21 - 14:25

S1E19: 866791

- Dad, are you still awake? - Still awake.

14:25 - 14:28

S1E19: 869875

It's just, um...

14:28 - 14:31

S1E19: 872416

I mean, this is really fun and everything...

14:31 - 14:33

S1E19: 875083

This isn't even the fun part. Tomorrow...

14:33 - 14:36

S1E19: 877666


14:36 - 14:38

S1E19: 880083

The problem I'm having is, uh...

14:38 - 14:41

S1E19: 883500

- I have a pretty finely tuned internal clock... - Mm-hmm.

14:41 - 14:45

S1E19: 886750

which is why I'm actually such a good natural percussionist.

14:45 - 14:48

S1E19: 889708

And, um...

14:48 - 14:50

S1E19: 891875

I'm just worried that I'm not gonna be able to fall asleep...

14:50 - 14:53

S1E19: 894333

for another two hours and 45 minutes.

14:53 - 14:55

S1E19: 897250

So, I was thinking maybe I would go down and check out Maeby's band...

14:55 - 14:59

S1E19: 900375

and you could go see if Gob's bachelor party has started.

14:59 - 15:01

S1E19: 903333

Shh, shh, shh. I'm right where I want to be.

15:01 - 15:04

S1E19: 906166

Gob had his chance to have me there...

15:05 - 15:07

S1E19: 907958

but if you're sure that you can't sleep.

15:07 - 15:08

S1E19: 910500

It's just... I don't know when I'm gonna get another chance like this...

15:08 - 15:12

S1E19: 913208

- you know, to be there for family. - Right.

15:12 - 15:14

S1E19: 916125

- I'd hate to miss it, because I was too proud. - Right.

15:14 - 15:17

S1E19: 924083

Wait a minute. "Too proud?" What does this have to do with "too proud?"

15:21 - 15:26

S1E19: 927416

Actually, that part was kinda just for you.

15:26 - 15:28

S1E19: 931166

I was just worried the whole thing wasn't gonna land unless I included the pride part.

15:28 - 15:33

S1E19: 935208

Upstairs, Gob was preparing to set up the accountant...

15:33 - 15:36

S1E19: 937916

under his father's helpful gaze.

15:36 - 15:39

S1E19: 940708

- Who called the cops? - And with the aid of some helpful gays.

15:39 - 15:41

S1E19: 942916

You told me to hire people to look like my friends.

15:41 - 15:43

S1E19: 945125

They're Hot Cops. They're entertainers.

15:43 - 15:46

S1E19: 947791

Although I specifically asked them not to come dressed as cops.

15:46 - 15:49

S1E19: 951708

You better change now. He's gonna be here soon. Butch, guys. I want it butch.

15:49 - 15:53

S1E19: 954625

Hey, uh, you got the blood. Right?

15:53 - 15:55

S1E19: 957166

Yeah, I got two buckets full right... Hey! What the hell happened to the blood?

15:55 - 15:58

S1E19: 962250

- Hey, Brother. - Whoa!

16:00 - 16:03

S1E19: 965416

- Somebody put on his lipstick in the car. - I love juice!

16:03 - 16:07

S1E19: 969416

This next number is the only ballad that the Solution ever attempted.

16:07 - 16:11

S1E19: 973041

And I must say I feel a bit like a Mary...

16:11 - 16:14

S1E19: 976250

without a Peter and a Paul, but I suppose it's worth a shot.

16:14 - 16:18

S1E19: 1012250

"Teamocil is no longer available.

16:51 - 16:53

S1E19: 1014791

Please try either Grouphug, Bondat or consult your own Wellness Guide."

16:53 - 16:56

S1E19: 1017458


16:56 - 16:58

S1E19: 1022500

You're out of the band.

17:01 - 17:03

S1E19: 1024750

And, back at the bachelor party...

17:03 - 17:05

S1E19: 1027583

Gilligan had arrived, and the con was in full swing.

17:05 - 17:09

S1E19: 1029916

It's Ira, and I'm fine.

17:09 - 17:10

S1E19: 1031666

Come on! Have a drink!

17:10 - 17:12

S1E19: 1034208

There's some stuff coming up you might not be able to handle sober.

17:12 - 17:15

S1E19: 1037375

Speaking of which, where's Buster?

17:15 - 17:19

S1E19: 1040166

In fact, Buster had finished thejuice...

17:19 - 17:21

S1E19: 1042291

and was desperately looking for his next sugar fix...

17:21 - 17:23

S1E19: 1044416

when he discovered the cake in the next room.

17:23 - 17:25

S1E19: 1047708

Unfortunately, he was unaware of the narcoleptic stripper confined within it.

17:25 - 17:29

S1E19: 1054916

Yeah, I better go in the back room and have a look for him.

17:33 - 17:36

S1E19: 1058666

- Ira, have a drink! - I'm not thirsty. I want some food.

17:36 - 17:39

S1E19: 1061083


17:40 - 17:42

S1E19: 1063333

Okay. Keep it together. Don't go all Michael here.

17:42 - 17:44

S1E19: 1065625

Knock, knock! Where's the married bachelor?

17:44 - 17:47

S1E19: 1068625

Michael, I thought you weren't coming. I thought he wasn't coming!

17:47 - 17:49

S1E19: 1071416

Well, I wasn't going to, but he's my brother, and I'm here to support him...

17:49 - 17:53

S1E19: 1075916

like all these, uh, hot men and Ira.

17:53 - 17:58

S1E19: 1080125

Well, you're not gonna stay. I mean, this isn't your kind of scene.

17:58 - 18:01

S1E19: 1083500

Dad, please, stay out of it, all right? I'm here for Gob. Now, where are the strippers?

18:01 - 18:05

S1E19: 1085458

- Well, l... - Mmm! You got a little back room going, huh?

18:05 - 18:05

S1E19: 1086458

- Well, l... - Mmm! You got a little back room going, huh?

18:05 - 18:07

S1E19: 1088875

- Huh? Huh? - Well...

18:07 - 18:09

S1E19: 1091666

just relax. I'm as fun as anybody. I can handle a back room.

18:09 - 18:13

S1E19: 1096458

- I'm calling the cops. - No! - We're changing again, guys!

18:15 - 18:17

S1E19: 1099291

- No. No cops. - Well, what is this?

18:17 - 18:20

S1E19: 1103125

She died. She's dead.

18:22 - 18:24

S1E19: 1105666

- It was Gilligan! - What?

18:24 - 18:27

S1E19: 1108125

Gilligan killed the skipper... stripper.

18:27 - 18:29

S1E19: 1110125

I didn't kill any stripper.

18:29 - 18:31

S1E19: 1112250

- You're drunk. You don't remember. - You're pulling the rip cord!

18:31 - 18:33

S1E19: 1115333

Ira, take my honeymoon tickets. Get out of the country. Save yourself.

18:33 - 18:37

S1E19: 1119333

- I'm not drunk. Bix made me the designated driver. - Bix!

18:37 - 18:41

S1E19: 1122500

Just then, the stripper woke up...

18:41 - 18:43

S1E19: 1124875

saw Buster with what appeared to be blood around his mouth...

18:43 - 18:46

S1E19: 1127666

- and thought she had killed him for groping her. - Not again.

18:46 - 18:49

S1E19: 1136875

You were setting me up.

18:55 - 18:57

S1E19: 1138916

You're trying to get me to leave the country.

18:57 - 18:59

S1E19: 1141541

Well, the hell with you, sir. Bix, we're leaving.

19:00 - 19:02

S1E19: 1144208

I'm testifying.

19:02 - 19:05

S1E19: 1146875

Yeah, the party's over. That's it.

19:05 - 19:08

S1E19: 1149250

You were trying to set Ira up?

19:08 - 19:10

S1E19: 1151791

Oh, Gob, Gob. Come on. Is this true?

19:10 - 19:13

S1E19: 1154666

Oh, wait a minute. It wasn't your idea, Gob.

19:13 - 19:15

S1E19: 1157500

- It was your idea. Wasn't it, Dad? - It wa...

19:16 - 19:18

S1E19: 1160250

- Huh? - Even if it was my idea, which it wasn't...

19:19 - 19:21

S1E19: 1163458

Gob screwed it up, which he did and always does.

19:21 - 19:25

S1E19: 1166416

- You don't have to take that. - What the hell am I supposed to do?

19:25 - 19:27

S1E19: 1170125


19:28 - 19:31

S1E19: 1175333

- Oh, no. No, no. Don't you dare, mister. - Do it. Do it.

19:32 - 19:38

S1E19: 1179750

Hey, Gob! I am your best man. I am your fath...

19:38 - 19:40

S1E19: 1185791

What does it matter? I screwed it up anyway. A complete failure.

19:44 - 19:47

S1E19: 1189375

Can't even fake the death of a stripper.

19:48 - 19:50

S1E19: 1192291

Oh, come on. That's not a bad thing.

19:50 - 19:53

S1E19: 1195208

- It doesn't make you a failure. Dad's the failure. - Really?

19:53 - 19:56

S1E19: 1197875

When he was my age, he ran an entire company, had kids.

19:56 - 19:59

S1E19: 1200833

The company was corrupt. Look what he's trying to do to us.

19:59 - 20:02

S1E19: 1203750

I'll tell you something else. You might not be a father...

20:02 - 20:04

S1E19: 1205833

but you are my brother.

20:04 - 20:06

S1E19: 1210291

I might be a father.

20:09 - 20:11

S1E19: 1216250

You're a much better man than he is.

20:15 - 20:17

S1E19: 1218125

- You're a better man than both of us. - Well.

20:17 - 20:20

S1E19: 1221791

You're the best man. You're my best man.

20:20 - 20:24

S1E19: 1225125

Not if I have an actual ceremony, 'cause Dad would kill me, but...

20:24 - 20:27

S1E19: 1229083

What do you say, hermano? Help me clean up this mess?

20:27 - 20:30

S1E19: 1231458

What the hell.

20:30 - 20:32

S1E19: 1234875

Gob, I want out.

20:33 - 20:36

S1E19: 1238041

- I'm in love with your brother. - What?

20:36 - 20:39

S1E19: 1240500

- You did it again, you son of a bitch! - No, no! She's...

20:39 - 20:41

S1E19: 1245333

In-law. Tobias.

20:44 - 20:46

S1E19: 1248250

Sorry. I should have finished that thought.

20:47 - 20:49

S1E19: 1250833

On the next Arrested Development.

20:49 - 20:51

S1E19: 1252875

Oh, my god. I killed Michael.

20:52 - 20:53

S1E19: 1255000

Yeah, but on the plus side, you got punched in the face.

20:53 - 20:56

S1E19: 1258333

Hey, Brother. Hey, Brother.

20:56 - 21:00

S1E19: 1261541

Michael solves the mystery of the missing money.

21:00 - 21:02

S1E19: 1264833

Ira was signatory to all these accounts?

21:02 - 21:06

S1E19: 1268166

- Get me Ira Gilligan. - And Gilligan...

21:06 - 21:09

S1E19: 1270875

fulfills his destiny.

21:09 - 21:12

S1E19: 1274958

Let it ring.

21:14 - 21:16