
Episode 1x5 - "Charity Drive"

Director: Greg Mottola

S1E05: 2875

Now the story of a wealthy family who lost everything...

00:01 - 00:04

S1E05: 5708

and the one son who had no choice...

00:04 - 00:06

S1E05: 7625

but to keep them all together.

00:06 - 00:08

S1E05: 20416

Michael Bluth was visiting his father in prison...

00:18 - 00:22

S1E05: 23500

anxious to get to the bottom of some mysterious bookkeeping.

00:22 - 00:24

S1E05: 25916

It just doesn't make any sense, Dad.

00:24 - 00:26

S1E05: 28541

Where did this money come from? Why did it end up in the international accounts file?

00:26 - 00:30

S1E05: 31791

George Sr. was also anxious, but less about the bookkeeping.

00:30 - 00:33

S1E05: 35041

This game is never gonna happen. Half of these guys are still in their cuffs.

00:33 - 00:36

S1E05: 37791

I hate to be a buzzkill, but I'm trying to get you out of here.

00:36 - 00:38

S1E05: 40791

Well, I'm trying to get us out of last place, Michael. We're playing Rahway next week.

00:38 - 00:42

S1E05: 44166

Word has it that they're getting Jose Canseco.

00:42 - 00:45

S1E05: 47166

I'm starting to wonder why I even bother coming.

00:45 - 00:48

S1E05: 49500

- Bluth! Right field! - That is ridiculous.

00:48 - 00:50

S1E05: 52125

- You won't even talk to me! - I'm catcher, or I'm nothing!

00:50 - 00:53

S1E05: 56166

Michael returned to work...

00:55 - 00:57

S1E05: 58958

where his assistant, Kitty, greeted him with some startling news.

00:57 - 01:00

S1E05: 61583

Your wife's on line one.

01:00 - 01:02

S1E05: 64041

Michael's wife had been dead for two years. - My what?

01:02 - 01:05

S1E05: 67000

- Kitty realized her mistake. - I said, your wife is on line one.

01:05 - 01:08

S1E05: 69625

But not immediately.

01:08 - 01:10

S1E05: 71791

Oh! Oh, God.

01:10 - 01:12

S1E05: 74458

I'm sorry. George's wife. Your mother.

01:12 - 01:16

S1E05: 77583

I'm so used to being George's assistant.

01:16 - 01:19

S1E05: 80708

Kitty had been George Sr.'s fiercely loyal assistant for years.

01:19 - 01:22

S1E05: 88916

And Michael suspected that she had the information he needed.

01:27 - 01:30

S1E05: 92250

Hey, Kitty, listen, you wouldn't know...

01:30 - 01:33

S1E05: 95083

if we had any documentation on these international accounts, would you?

01:33 - 01:36

S1E05: 98333

That's actually not any of your business.

01:36 - 01:39

S1E05: 101666

My business. That's not any of my business.

01:40 - 01:43

S1E05: 106291

Hey, Mom.

01:45 - 01:47

S1E05: 109000

Are you aware we've been downgraded to being just pool members at the club now?

01:47 - 01:50

S1E05: 111875

Yeah, it's a real shame what's going on with this family.

01:50 - 01:53

S1E05: 115125

You're stuck by the pool, and Dad's getting picked last for softball.

01:53 - 01:56

S1E05: 118666

Nonetheless, you can free up a little company money to get back our golf privileges.

01:56 - 02:00

S1E05: 121708

No, I can't. Mom, you don't even play golf.

02:00 - 02:02

S1E05: 124583

No, but I use the clubhouse dining room... until I was turned away today.

02:02 - 02:06

S1E05: 127583

It's embarrassing... Take it back!

02:06 - 02:08

S1E05: 131000

If I wanted something your thumb touched, I'd eat the inside of your ear!

02:08 - 02:13

S1E05: 135958

You should see the looks I'm getting.

02:14 - 02:17

S1E05: 138958

If you can't free up the cash, have your father call the club president.

02:17 - 02:20

S1E05: 142458

I've got news for you, Mom... I'm not visiting Dad in jail anymore.

02:20 - 02:24

S1E05: 145250

No, I've had it.

02:24 - 02:26

S1E05: 147875

I'm down there every single day trying to do what I can to get this company back on track...

02:26 - 02:29

S1E05: 150875

and he barely even acknowledges me.

02:29 - 02:32

S1E05: 153125

That is disgusting!

02:32 - 02:34

S1E05: 156166

Talk to your father. I will not stand for this!

02:34 - 02:38

S1E05: 161666


02:40 - 02:42

S1E05: 164458

Can I, uh... get you to stop doing that?

02:42 - 02:46

S1E05: 167250

I'm just setting up an office.

02:46 - 02:48

S1E05: 170458

Gotta write a strongly worded letter to one Warden James Buck.

02:48 - 02:52

S1E05: 173541

In order to restore his career as an escape artist...

02:52 - 02:55

S1E05: 176166

Gob had recently checked into prison as a publicity stunt.

02:55 - 02:58

S1E05: 192166

And yet the warden had refused to acknowledge the legitimacy of the escape.

03:11 - 03:15

S1E05: 197083

So I am going after this guy with everything I've got...

03:15 - 03:19

S1E05: 200125


03:19 - 03:21

S1E05: 202416

Now we are writing a letter.

03:21 - 03:23

S1E05: 205041


03:23 - 03:26

S1E05: 208250

I wish I would've known you were coming. I am a mess.

03:26 - 03:30

S1E05: 211416

Don't know if a call from me would've changed that.

03:30 - 03:32

S1E05: 213541

Do you like my outfit?

03:32 - 03:34

S1E05: 216416

Not as much as I like what's underneath it.

03:34 - 03:37

S1E05: 218458


03:37 - 03:39

S1E05: 221250

No, I need your chair. Get up. I've got a letter to write.

03:39 - 03:42

S1E05: 224041

Whoo! You're all business.

03:43 - 03:44

S1E05: 226291

just like your dad.

03:45 - 03:47

S1E05: 229083

My God, she's repulsive.

03:47 - 03:50

S1E05: 232458

Michael realized that Kitty's obvious attraction to Gob...

03:50 - 03:54

S1E05: 235333

could perhaps be of use to him.

03:54 - 03:56

S1E05: 237375

How would you like a touch lamp?

03:56 - 03:58

S1E05: 239291

You're the one who needs therapy!

03:58 - 04:00

S1E05: 241625

Meanwhile, Lindsay and Tobias prepared for their first session with a therapist.

04:00 - 04:03

S1E05: 244916

Yes, Tobias, I want the marriage to work.

04:03 - 04:06

S1E05: 247375

I just don't know if therapy is the answer.

04:06 - 04:08

S1E05: 250250

Because you didn't respect my old career, and you certainly don't respect my new one!

04:08 - 04:11

S1E05: 252833

You don't have a new one!

04:11 - 04:13

S1E05: 255625

Things had been tense since Tobias left his psychiatry practice...

04:13 - 04:17

S1E05: 258666

to pursue an acting career.

04:17 - 04:19

S1E05: 263250

- I have needs, you know. - And how I am not addressing your needs?

04:21 - 04:24

S1E05: 266875

- How can you even ask that? What is this? - Oh! Go right to that!

04:24 - 04:28

S1E05: 270458

Good. Go right there. Real mature. Really great.

04:29 - 04:32

S1E05: 274416

Okay, kids, Mommy and Daddy are going out for ice cream.

04:32 - 04:36

S1E05: 278125

- Can we come? - Sorry. It's not for kids.

04:37 - 04:40

S1E05: 285166

- Now we have to follow them. - Yeah.

04:44 - 04:46

S1E05: 287833


04:46 - 04:49

S1E05: 290750

Okay, so, why are we doing this?

04:49 - 04:52

S1E05: 293916

'Cause it's obvious they're lying. Come on, drive!

04:52 - 04:55

S1E05: 297125

- Well, what if they see us? - How are they gonna see us?

04:55 - 04:58

S1E05: 299625

It says "Bluth Company" right on the side.

04:58 - 05:00

S1E05: 302541

Plus, it's a stairway. That's gonna catch the eye.

05:00 - 05:04

S1E05: 313416

Also, that House of Pies that went out ofbusiness.

05:10 - 05:13

S1E05: 315083

You are scared. I knew it.

05:13 - 05:16

S1E05: 317958

No, I'm not scared. It's just that... I have plans later.

05:16 - 05:19

S1E05: 320708

l-I'm visiting Pop-Pop.

05:19 - 05:21

S1E05: 322791

You visit Pop-Pop?

05:21 - 05:23

S1E05: 325875

In fact, he'd been terrified of the very notion of prison...

05:23 - 05:26

S1E05: 328583

since, as a young boy, he accidentally watched HBO's Oz...

05:27 - 05:30

S1E05: 331875

mistaking it for the classic Judy Garland musical.

05:30 - 05:32

S1E05: 335000

- I'm an innocent man! - Eat it, bitch!

05:33 - 05:35

S1E05: 336708

- Lots of times. - What's it like?

05:35 - 05:37

S1E05: 339708

You know what you should do? You should go get your mom's date book.

05:38 - 05:41

S1E05: 342958

Oh, yeah. She must have written down where they're going.

05:41 - 05:44

S1E05: 346125

- I still wanna hear about prison, okay? - If you can handle it.

05:44 - 05:47

S1E05: 351041

Michael arrived home in a good mood.

05:49 - 05:52

S1E05: 353500

With Gob getting the information from Kitty...

05:52 - 05:54

S1E05: 356208

he would no longer have to visit prison and deal with his father.

05:54 - 05:57

S1E05: 359125

Hey, buddy! Came home early.

05:57 - 06:00

S1E05: 361583

Wanna do somethin'? Anything. Anything at all.

06:00 - 06:02

S1E05: 364375

I wanna visit Pop-Pop in prison.

06:02 - 06:05

S1E05: 370833

Back at the office, Gob was making progress with Michael's assistant.

06:08 - 06:12

S1E05: 374833

Here's where we keep all of our... heavyweight paper.

06:12 - 06:16

S1E05: 378416

Bet you can show me where a lot of things are.

06:17 - 06:19

S1E05: 382583

What kind of things are you... looking for?

06:19 - 06:25

S1E05: 386666

What, uh... What are you hiding?

06:25 - 06:28

S1E05: 389500

Nothing you can't find.

06:28 - 06:30

S1E05: 392583

Wait a second. Wait, wait, wait. Take off your glasses.

06:30 - 06:34

S1E05: 397458


06:36 - 06:38

S1E05: 400125

Wait, wait. Let down your hair.

06:38 - 06:41

S1E05: 408125

No. Glasses on. Hair back up. Let's just get that hair right back up.

06:46 - 06:50

S1E05: 411791

- Do you want me to turn all the lights off? - Yes, yes, please.

06:50 - 06:53

S1E05: 413791

How's that? Is that better?

06:53 - 06:55

S1E05: 416541

There's still light coming in from under the door.

06:55 - 06:57

S1E05: 419125

And Lindsay and Tobias were, for the first time...

06:58 - 07:00

S1E05: 421000

addressing their marital problems.

07:00 - 07:01

S1E05: 422958

It's like we're face to face now...

07:01 - 07:04

S1E05: 426000

like we're really seeing this marriage and...

07:04 - 07:07

S1E05: 429083

I'm afraid it's a lie.

07:07 - 07:10

S1E05: 436541

Bravo. If I gave a performance that good, I'd have my own Alias type show.

07:14 - 07:18

S1E05: 441166

Stop it. I am so sick of hearing about acting, acting, acting!

07:18 - 07:23

S1E05: 444916

Okay, okay, look, maybe we need a new approach.

07:23 - 07:26

S1E05: 448375

Um... let's try some role playing.

07:26 - 07:30

S1E05: 451583

Yes! All right.

07:30 - 07:32

S1E05: 455541

Michael headed back to the prison...

07:34 - 07:36

S1E05: 457791

despite his earlier vow never to return.

07:36 - 07:38

S1E05: 460583

You always say family first. I should see my grandpa, right?

07:39 - 07:42

S1E05: 464041

I'm not stopping you. It's just, after this I'm not going back there.

07:42 - 07:45

S1E05: 467000

Why? Is it scary?

07:45 - 07:47

S1E05: 468791

Scary? No. No.

07:47 - 07:49

S1E05: 471416

It's the opposite of scary. It's like a carnival.

07:49 - 07:53

S1E05: 475583

Without the half-person on the skateboard that grabbed your knee to steady himself.

07:53 - 07:57

S1E05: 480083

It's like a country club. All the guy does is eat ice cream and play softball all day.

07:57 - 08:02

S1E05: 484666

In fact, George Sr.'s softball game had taken most of the day.

08:02 - 08:07

S1E05: 488583

It was the 14th inning, and tensions were running a little high.

08:07 - 08:10

S1E05: 492666

I'll give you a thousand bucks, you call the next one a strike. My knees are killing me.

08:10 - 08:15

S1E05: 496541

No batter! No batter here!

08:15 - 08:17

S1E05: 499666

- Strike three! - Strike three, my ass!

08:17 - 08:21

S1E05: 502666


08:21 - 08:23

S1E05: 505083

Down in the yard!

08:23 - 08:26

S1E05: 507666

No batter. No... No batter.

08:26 - 08:28

S1E05: 510041

No... Shh.

08:29 - 08:31

S1E05: 514166

Okay, there he is. Go on in there and surprise him.

08:32 - 08:35

S1E05: 516958

I'm gonna go get us a few ice cream sandwiches.

08:35 - 08:38

S1E05: 519250

Go on. Go on.

08:38 - 08:40

S1E05: 524083

Hey, Pop-Pop.

08:43 - 08:45

S1E05: 527000

- How's prison? - I'm gonna die in here.

08:45 - 08:48

S1E05: 529958


08:48 - 08:51

S1E05: 532125

They're gonna kill Grandpa.

08:51 - 08:53

S1E05: 534583

I gotta... I gotta get outta here. I'm an innocent man.

08:53 - 08:56

S1E05: 537875

You gotta help Pop-Pop get outta here. Give me your hair.

08:56 - 08:59

S1E05: 540708

- My hair? - Give Pop-Pop your hair!

08:59 - 09:01

S1E05: 543666

- No touching! No touching! No touching! - Give me the hair!

09:01 - 09:05

S1E05: 547791

One of these got smooshed, but don't let that ruin prison for you.

09:05 - 09:09

S1E05: 551416

No batter. No batter. No batter.

09:09 - 09:13

S1E05: 558208

Come on, baby! Throw the ball!

09:17 - 09:19

S1E05: 560916

I'm sure your grandfather was just kidding around. You know his sense of humor.

09:19 - 09:22

S1E05: 563416

I know, I know. Yeah.

09:22 - 09:24

S1E05: 566208

I don't... I don't totally get the hair joke, but I'm fine, Dad.

09:24 - 09:27

S1E05: 569041

Are you sure?

09:28 - 09:30

S1E05: 572333

I am gonna head back in, though. I'm gonna see if Pop-Pop's got any more zingers.

09:30 - 09:34

S1E05: 575875

Just stay out here and relax, pal.

09:34 - 09:37

S1E05: 579000

Watch the softball game. I'll be right back.

09:37 - 09:40

S1E05: 586833

Hey, stop! Stop!

09:45 - 09:47

S1E05: 594125


09:53 - 09:55

S1E05: 596416

just don't like prison anymore.

09:55 - 09:57

S1E05: 598666

That's why I'm trying to get you out of here.

09:57 - 10:00

S1E05: 601750

Maybe I've been in denial, but this place is breaking me, Mikey...

10:00 - 10:03

S1E05: 604583

and I'm alone here, but for you.

10:03 - 10:05

S1E05: 607041

Come on. You got me, you got Mom.

10:05 - 10:08

S1E05: 609500

Your mother's never shown her face.

10:08 - 10:10

S1E05: 611833

Whoa. She's never been here?

10:10 - 10:12

S1E05: 614333

You should've heard the grief she gave me when I said I'd never show up again.

10:12 - 10:15

S1E05: 617083

You said... You said what?

10:15 - 10:18

S1E05: 620083

Dad, you don't need me. You're playing softball all the time.

10:18 - 10:21

S1E05: 623041

I do need you, Michael!

10:21 - 10:24

S1E05: 625208

- No more softball. - This is nuts.

10:24 - 10:26

S1E05: 627833

You're her husband. The least she could do is come out and visit you.

10:26 - 10:29

S1E05: 631083

God, you know your mom. This isn't her crowd. She's very easily threatened.

10:29 - 10:32

S1E05: 634000

You remember the carjacker?

10:33 - 10:34

S1E05: 640666

- Aaah! - Well, she's certainly toughened up since then.

10:39 - 10:41

S1E05: 643041

She's eating lunch by the pool now.

10:42 - 10:43

S1E05: 645500

There's a big difference between the country club pool and the conjugal trailer.

10:44 - 10:46

S1E05: 648125

That's not what I meant when I said "visit."

10:47 - 10:49

S1E05: 650500

It's too bad. I really miss that personal contact.

10:49 - 10:51

S1E05: 653333

It was the one thing that calmed me when I got stressed.

10:51 - 10:54

S1E05: 656500

It just felt... humanizing.

10:54 - 10:58

S1E05: 659208

Michael, for the first time...

10:58 - 11:00

S1E05: 661833

saw his father as a vulnerable human being.

11:00 - 11:03

S1E05: 665916

Daddy horny, Michael.

11:04 - 11:07

S1E05: 670541

I just haven't had sex in a month.

11:09 - 11:11

S1E05: 674375

You've been here two months.

11:12 - 11:15

S1E05: 676291

It's hard to gauge time.

11:15 - 11:17

S1E05: 678541

Yeah, I'll bet.

11:17 - 11:19

S1E05: 680708

Hey, Mom. I went to visit Dad today.

11:19 - 11:21

S1E05: 683500

Quick question. How long does it take you to get out there?

11:22 - 11:24

S1E05: 685833

Oh, I've never been.

11:25 - 11:26

S1E05: 687875

Then why does he tell me that you've never been?

11:26 - 11:29

S1E05: 690041

Ooh. Sorry, Michael.

11:29 - 11:31

S1E05: 692833

Pool food. My system's not used to curly fries.

11:31 - 11:34

S1E05: 696916

How can you ignore that man?

11:35 - 11:37

S1E05: 699208

He's having a hard time in there. He's lonely.

11:37 - 11:40

S1E05: 701500

That's what his children are for.

11:40 - 11:42

S1E05: 704041

Yeah, well, you know...

11:42 - 11:45

S1E05: 706708

there are certain things that...

11:45 - 11:47

S1E05: 709041

he can't get from his children.

11:47 - 11:50

S1E05: 711875

If you're going to say "pride," you're wrong. He is proud of his children.

11:50 - 11:53

S1E05: 714583

Wasn't gonna say pride, Mom.

11:53 - 11:55

S1E05: 717708

Uh, listen, l-l-I think that, um...

11:55 - 11:59

S1E05: 721083

I think that you should...

11:59 - 12:02

S1E05: 723708

Oh, I can't believe I'm gonna say this.

12:02 - 12:04

S1E05: 726000

I think that you should...

12:04 - 12:06

S1E05: 727916

visit him...

12:06 - 12:08

S1E05: 730500

in an... intimate...

12:08 - 12:12

S1E05: 733875

marital... trailer.

12:12 - 12:15

S1E05: 738875

Are you mad?

12:17 - 12:19

S1E05: 741958

You think I'm comfortable asking you to do this? He needs you, Mom.

12:20 - 12:23

S1E05: 744916

Did he say that?

12:23 - 12:25

S1E05: 748083

Did he say that he misses me?

12:27 - 12:29

S1E05: 750125

Does he need his wife's embrace?

12:29 - 12:31

S1E05: 752125

Daddy horny, Michael.

12:31 - 12:33

S1E05: 754333

He said some wonderful things.

12:33 - 12:35

S1E05: 757125

You really want this for him, don't you?

12:35 - 12:38

S1E05: 759458

I do.

12:38 - 12:40

S1E05: 761666

"Golf membership" want it?

12:40 - 12:43

S1E05: 766166

Meanwhile, Lindsay and Tobias were getting to the heart...

12:44 - 12:47

S1E05: 768875

of each other's vulnerabilities with a role-reversal exercise.

12:47 - 12:50

S1E05: 771083

- Because I'm a woman! - Good.

12:50 - 12:51

S1E05: 773000

- With a woman's needs. - Louder.

12:52 - 12:53

S1E05: 775500

And a woman's urges! And these, Tobias.

12:54 - 12:56

S1E05: 778583

When was the last time you looked at these?

12:56 - 13:00

S1E05: 781291

Yeah, okay. How long is this session?

13:00 - 13:02

S1E05: 783833

See, she's breaking in and out of character and making it difficult...

13:02 - 13:05

S1E05: 786291

'Cause I don't wanna be in a character.

13:05 - 13:07

S1E05: 789250

Okay, let me stop you guys. All right? Please. Let me get in here.

13:07 - 13:11

S1E05: 792375

Thank you. God.

13:11 - 13:13

S1E05: 797791

- You've never been a real wife to me, Lindsay. - That's not true!

13:15 - 13:19

S1E05: 801958

A man is looking back at you. A man with dreams and aspirations!

13:20 - 13:23

S1E05: 805625

Meanwhile, Maeby found an address in her mother's appointment book...

13:23 - 13:27

S1E05: 809333

and was getting closer to learning what her parents were up to.

13:27 - 13:31

S1E05: 813833

Right! If I'm no Schwimmer, you're noJennifer Aniston!

13:31 - 13:36

S1E05: 818916

Maybe I'm not even Lisa Kudrow.

13:36 - 13:40

S1E05: 821916

l-I have dreams, Lindsay.

13:40 - 13:42

S1E05: 824291

Dreams, Lindsay.

13:43 - 13:45

S1E05: 827750

Well, then, Tobias...

13:46 - 13:48

S1E05: 834041

follow those dreams.

13:53 - 13:54

S1E05: 836000

Make those dreams happen.

13:55 - 13:56

S1E05: 838458

Yes. I will.

13:57 - 13:59

S1E05: 840666

And scene!

13:59 - 14:01

S1E05: 845333

- Wow! - Okay.

14:04 - 14:06

S1E05: 848166

- I'm sorry I stepped on your line. - No, not at all.

14:06 - 14:09

S1E05: 851625

- Did that answer some questions for you? - Yeah, I think it did.

14:09 - 14:13

S1E05: 854625

Now there are two men I wanna leave.

14:13 - 14:15

S1E05: 859458

Michael arrived home, happy to have a brother to share his burden with.

14:17 - 14:21

S1E05: 862833

- Great news. - Oh, good. I could use it.

14:21 - 14:24

S1E05: 865875

I just came from convincing Mom to have sex with Dad.

14:24 - 14:27

S1E05: 869166

God! What is wrong with you? That is disgusting!

14:27 - 14:30

S1E05: 872000

- What's wrong with you? - Oh, I'm sorry.

14:30 - 14:33

S1E05: 874958

But just the thought of Mom and Dad together...

14:33 - 14:36

S1E05: 878083

I have a sense of propriety. All right?

14:36 - 14:39

S1E05: 880125

Fine. What's your great news?

14:39 - 14:41

S1E05: 881916

I Kitty.

14:41 - 14:42

S1E05: 884583

Oh, Gob, I just wanted you to get the information.

14:42 - 14:46

S1E05: 887625

Oh, I got the information.

14:46 - 14:49

S1E05: 890625

You did, huh? About the international accounts?

14:49 - 14:52

S1E05: 895458

I see what you're getting at. No, I didn't get any information.

14:54 - 14:56

S1E05: 898625

That's great. Good, good, good, Gob. You just lost the touch lamp.

14:57 - 15:00

S1E05: 901291

- What? No! - The deal's off.

15:00 - 15:02

S1E05: 904041

I'm gonna use the touch lamp to set the mood in the conjugal trailer when Dad's nailing Mom!

15:02 - 15:05

S1E05: 907041

No! Don't... Michael!

15:05 - 15:07

S1E05: 908666

You are filthy!

15:07 - 15:09

S1E05: 911750

The two cousins reunited...

15:10 - 15:12

S1E05: 914291

each a little shaken by what they had pretended to be fearless about.

15:12 - 15:15

S1E05: 917166

- You think they'll get divorced? - I don't care.

15:16 - 15:18

S1E05: 920125

I'm not saying "I don't care" like kids who say they don't when they do... 'cause I don't.

15:18 - 15:21

S1E05: 922916

Right. I know. Who cares, right?

15:21 - 15:23

S1E05: 926750

- I mean, I care. - How could you not?

15:25 - 15:27

S1E05: 929041

You know, our family's really messed up.

15:28 - 15:30

S1E05: 931375

I know. We're the only normal ones.

15:30 - 15:32

S1E05: 933791

At least we got each other. Right?

15:32 - 15:35

S1E05: 944875

George Michael?

15:43 - 15:45

S1E05: 946875


15:45 - 15:47

S1E05: 949875

Sometimes I don't know if it's gonna be a long or short hug or a middle-medium hug.

15:47 - 15:51

S1E05: 952916

It's hard to tell sometimes.

15:51 - 15:53

S1E05: 955875

That was a good hug. That's plenty for now.

15:53 - 15:56

S1E05: 957291

Hug's gotta end sometime, obviously.

15:56 - 15:58

S1E05: 959916

Soon, Michael was driving Lucille to prison...

15:58 - 16:01

S1E05: 963041

and she seemed to be looking forward to it.

16:01 - 16:04

S1E05: 965291

Where are we going after?

16:04 - 16:06

S1E05: 971750

- Hey, Dad. - Michael!

16:10 - 16:12

S1E05: 973791

What are you doing here?

16:12 - 16:15

S1E05: 976916

You needed my help, and it was hard for you to ask, so I took it upon myself to bring her.

16:15 - 16:18

S1E05: 980458

- That doesn't make you uncomfortable? - The drive was a little awkward.

16:18 - 16:22

S1E05: 984125

Not every son would do this for his father.

16:22 - 16:25

S1E05: 987000

Thank you for this.

16:26 - 16:27

S1E05: 993750

Hello, George.

16:32 - 16:34

S1E05: 995833

What the hell's your mother doing in here?

16:34 - 16:36

S1E05: 998416

- Who were you expecting? - Oh, I've done a bad thing.

16:36 - 16:39

S1E05: 1000333

I've done a terrible thing.

16:39 - 16:41

S1E05: 1003166

- There's someone else in that trailer, isn't there? - I've done a repulsive thing.

16:41 - 16:44

S1E05: 1005375

Wait... Whoa. It's Kitty?

16:44 - 16:46

S1E05: 1008333

- Shh! - How long?

16:47 - 16:49

S1E05: 1010458

- When did this start? - Oh, come on! This is the first time.

16:49 - 16:51

S1E05: 1016583

Every Friday for the last eight years.

16:55 - 16:57

S1E05: 1018875

- Daddy... - Horny. I got that.

16:57 - 16:59

S1E05: 1021291

Hey, wait a minute. This is easy. This is an easy one.

16:59 - 17:02

S1E05: 1024166

I'll go in there with Kitty, I'll do my thing...

17:02 - 17:05

S1E05: 1027416

and th-th-then I'll go and see your moth... This is a hard one.

17:05 - 17:09

S1E05: 1030375

- She's your secretary. - You're right.

17:09 - 17:11

S1E05: 1032458

Family first.

17:11 - 17:13

S1E05: 1034708

Take care of Kitty. Michael.

17:13 - 17:15

S1E05: 1036916

I need you now.

17:15 - 17:17

S1E05: 1039708

"International accounts" need me?

17:17 - 17:21

S1E05: 1042375

And so an agreement was made.

17:21 - 17:23

S1E05: 1044291

George Sr. would reveal the truth...

17:23 - 17:25

S1E05: 1046875

and Michael would make sure Kitty didn't come out of the trailer.

17:25 - 17:28

S1E05: 1049833


17:28 - 17:30

S1E05: 1052083

I need you to come to the prison.

17:31 - 17:33

S1E05: 1054458

- I'm at the prison. - You're here?

17:33 - 17:35

S1E05: 1057666

I'm delivering this strongly worded letter I wrote...

17:35 - 17:39

S1E05: 1060708

lit by nothing but natural light.

17:39 - 17:41

S1E05: 1063416

Well, how would you like that touch lamp and the office...

17:41 - 17:44

S1E05: 1067333

and... what the hell... full use of the secretary?

17:45 - 17:49

S1E05: 1073458

Thank you for doing this. It means a... It means a lot.

17:51 - 17:55

S1E05: 1077250

I, uh... Okay, I'll get down on the couch.

17:55 - 17:58

S1E05: 1080625

I'm not going to have sex with you, George.

17:58 - 18:02

S1E05: 1084041

I came to tell you how much I hate you for what you've done to this family.

18:02 - 18:05

S1E05: 1087000

- You're angry. - You've ruined us.

18:05 - 18:08

S1E05: 1090250

I've ruined us? You got a lot of nerve, honey.

18:08 - 18:12

S1E05: 1093500

The millions you pissed away on clothing and jewelry and spa treatments...

18:12 - 18:15

S1E05: 1097666

Yes, to keep you interested in the only thing you ever appreciated... my body.

18:15 - 18:19

S1E05: 1100583

Can I help it if you've got a fantastic body?

18:19 - 18:21

S1E05: 1103666

And you're as powerful as a bear.

18:21 - 18:25

S1E05: 1108250

My husband the bear.

18:26 - 18:29

S1E05: 1111083

This bear needs some honey, wife.

18:29 - 18:32

S1E05: 1113958

Oh, God, I missed you!

18:32 - 18:35

S1E05: 1117250

Gob, meanwhile, stalled to keep Kitty in the other trailer.

18:35 - 18:38

S1E05: 1119666

Glasses off.

18:38 - 18:40

S1E05: 1121083

Glasses on.

18:40 - 18:41

S1E05: 1122791

Hair up.

18:41 - 18:43

S1E05: 1124708

Glasses off.

18:43 - 18:45

S1E05: 1127291

Down, on. Have we done up, off?

18:45 - 18:48

S1E05: 1130000

- Oh, Gob, this is so wrong. - And bright.

18:48 - 18:51

S1E05: 1132666

Wrong a-and bright.

18:51 - 18:54

S1E05: 1135208


18:54 - 18:56

S1E05: 1137458

That's be... brighter!

18:56 - 18:58

S1E05: 1139916

God! Damn.

18:58 - 19:00

S1E05: 1141875

I'm just gonna wash up real quick.

19:00 - 19:03

S1E05: 1144750

Uh, I think I'm gonna go with... with down and off.

19:03 - 19:06

S1E05: 1147333

Gob had to do the right thing.

19:06 - 19:08

S1E05: 1153958

But as he headed to his car, he ran into the warden...

19:12 - 19:15

S1E05: 1156708

who hadjust read his strongly worded letter.

19:15 - 19:17

S1E05: 1159583

Well, if it isn't "Sincerely Yours."

19:17 - 19:21

S1E05: 1164583

And so Gob was detained against the window of the trailer...

19:23 - 19:26

S1E05: 1167208

his parents were becoming intimate in.

19:26 - 19:28

S1E05: 1169666

Oh, God, Mommy! What did you do?

19:28 - 19:31

S1E05: 1177541

- Hey, buddy. - Hey, where were you?

19:35 - 19:38

S1E05: 1180333

I had to help out your grandfather...

19:39 - 19:41

S1E05: 1183125

and then I had to vow that I would never help your grandfather again.

19:41 - 19:44

S1E05: 1185666

Pretty much a normal day for me.

19:44 - 19:46

S1E05: 1187625

How are you doing?

19:46 - 19:48

S1E05: 1190041

I'm fine, I guess. It's just...

19:48 - 19:51

S1E05: 1193833

You think of prison as this place full of guilty people and it doesn't bother you that much.

19:51 - 19:56

S1E05: 1197875

But if Pop-Pop could be there, then anybody could be there.

19:56 - 19:59

S1E05: 1200750

And I don't wanna go to prison, Dad. I don't think I could take it.

19:59 - 20:02

S1E05: 1203500

I know I act tough, but l...

20:02 - 20:04

S1E05: 1204916

Is this what you're worried about?

20:04 - 20:06

S1E05: 1209000

'Cause I got news...

20:07 - 20:09

S1E05: 1210958

he's, uh... he's guilty.

20:09 - 20:12

S1E05: 1213458

He is?

20:12 - 20:14

S1E05: 1214833

Oh, yeah.

20:14 - 20:16

S1E05: 1227166

On the next Arrested Development.

20:25 - 20:28

S1E05: 1229791

Tobias talks Lindsay into another session.

20:28 - 20:31

S1E05: 1232583

I've decided that...

20:31 - 20:33

S1E05: 1235875

I want to become an actor too.

20:33 - 20:37

S1E05: 1241375

And George Sr. makes good...

20:39 - 20:42

S1E05: 1244416

on his promise to come clean on the international accounts.

20:42 - 20:45

S1E05: 1248291

There's a good chance that l... that I may...

20:46 - 20:50

S1E05: 1251375

have committed some, um...

20:50 - 20:52

S1E05: 1256041

light... treason.

20:52 - 20:57